Garden Route Verification Services
Garden Route Verification Services (GRVS) is a business unit within Business Café being an accredited services provider of AFISWITCH and MIE
We specialize in providing verification services or as also referred to, background verification checks across South Africa and globally where offshore organizations and or people require a background verifications.
The Purpose of Verification Services
The purpose of a verification service is to verify information and or credentials given by an individual and or entity so that a conclusion whether they have disclosed the information accurately, is established.
Benefits include benefits to organizations beyond amongst other, reducing theft,
revealing curriculum vitae (CV), fraud, ensuring compliance during the appointment of people.
Verification Services (check, screening, or investigation) are the reviewing of an individual or organization to identify any potential threats or risks that may not be visible without further exploration. The background verification process includes criminal, financial and commercial, qualification, social media, and other records to give you a better understanding of the person or organization you are dealing with to assess and make a well -informed decision based on factual and unbiased results.
It balances the probability that all information has been considered before committing to a decision.
Sectors we Serve are amongst others:
Individuals, Educational sector (SACE registration), Private Security Enquiry, Construction Industry, Housing Estates, Hospitality sector, Financial Services, Retail sector and Local Government